1. Webサイトのデザイン性
2. Webサイトのコンテンツ
a) 新規顧客の獲得:「Webサイトを通じて新規顧客を獲得する」そのためには、解決しようとしている問題の説明、顧客の体験談や声、サービスの独自性、市場でのポジショニング、価格の詳細など、顧客がサービスを申し込むべきか、追加で詳細を求めるべきかを判断するのに十分なコンテンツをWebサイト上に作成する必要があります。
b) ブランディング:「ブランドイメージを向上させる」この目的のためには、Webサイトを通じてすぐに顧客を獲得するのではなく、Webサイトを通じてブランドイメージを促進することが目的です。例えば、新車の購入を検討するときにディーラーのホームページを見た後に近くのショップを訪れて車を購入するプロセスを取るケースです。
3. 訪問者を増やす
a) 匿名リード:自社のコンタクトリストに載っていない匿名の訪問者。匿名リードは、何らかの形でWebサイトに辿り着き、製品やサービスについての詳細を調べた人々です。
b) 企業リード: Webサイトを訪問した企業のことで、その企業の個人的な連絡先データはないリードです。
c)既存リード: これらは、自社のコンタクトリストに既にあるリードです。個人情報データを持っていたり、すでにWebサイトに登録されているかもしれません。
4. 訪問者のエンゲージメントを高める
5. コンバージョンを高める
6. リードナーチャリング
自社の製品やサービスを購入するために、最も確度の高いターゲットはWebサイトを通じて獲得したリードになります。これは、提供されている製品・サービスに興味を持ち、サービスの利用を検討している顧客です。これらの顧客のうち10%はサービスをすぐに導入するかもしれませんが、残りの顧客はさらに検討を重ねる必要があるかもしれません。定期的なフォローアップなど、これらの潜在的な顧客に対するアプローチやコミュニケーションの方法が重要になります。顧客の成功事例や有益な内容のメールマガジンなどの追加情報を送ることで、彼らの関心を高めることができます。このような見込み客との良質なコミュニケーションは、より多くの顧客を獲得する可能性を高めます。そのためには、MAツールのようなツールが効果的です。MarkefanのMAツールの大きな強みは、Webデータ分析やマーケティングに必要な機能が組み込まれていることです。Markefan MAツールの詳細については、以下をご覧ください。
Are you generating enough customers through your website? here are some tips for improving customer acquisition through website!
Website is the face of any business. Having a good website increase your chances of getting new customers. However there are several important steps before this goal can be achieved. Here are some tips for achieving this goal.
- Website design: an attractive website design give a good first impression about your business. This requires a good site planning and a creative design. Customer experience on website should be given high priority. Website design should be done by keeping in mind your target customer such as their age group, industry etc. Colors in the website need to match with your product brand image.
- Website content:
Websites need contents aligned with your web marketing goal. Website contents can be created with one of the below goals in mind
a) acquiring new customers: generate new customers through your website. For this, your website contents should be created with description of the problems you are solving, customer stories and testimonials, unique service positioning, price details etc. contents on your website should be enough for customers to make a decision whether they should apply for your service or request additional details.
b) branding: improve your brand image. For this goal rather than immediately get customers through website, promote your brand image through website is the purpose. For example, you may visit website of a car company when consider buying a new car but buy the car later by visiting nearby dealer shop.
Contents on Top page have big impact. Most visitors leave websites without scrolling down or spend much time. Having a short video ( 1-2 minutes) on top page will help visitors to know more about your business in short time.
When you have multiple products or services, create separate Landing pages for your each service will be good. Landing pages are one web page that describe a single service or product with a goal of conversion for that service. Contents on Landing pages should be conclusive and persuade visitors for apply to your service. Landing pages can also be created separately from corporate website if you want to use corporate site for branding.
- Increase Visitors:
after create a good website, next step will be promotion to bring more visitors to the website. Website visitors can be one of the below types.
a) unknown( anonymous) leads: unknown visitors who are not in your contact list. These are people who somehow found your business information and researching more about your business in your website.
b) company lead: These are companies visiting your website but you don’t have any personal contact data of this company.
c) known leads: These are leads already in your contact list. You may have their business cards data or they might be already registered in your website.
You need to consider different promotions for each type of these visitors.
Ads are used widely for bring more new visitors to your website. However this can be expensive based on media/ channel chosen. giving more ads doesn’t mean you get customers quickly. Unless the next steps after visit website are not effectively implemented, you can quickly drain out of money without much gain on sales.
SEO measures are another approach to increase your new site visitors. However it take significant time to increase your SEO rank in Google or other search engines.
Sending mail magazine or Line campaigns with contents having links to your website is an approach to bring more known lead visitors to website. The more contact list you have the more visitors you can bring through this list marketing approach.
SNS posts can also be used effectively for sharing useful contents and increase web traffic.
Increase visitors in your website doesn’t guarantee conversion from website, however this is one of the key focus areas that should set KPI such as monthly visitors. More detailed analysis can be done such as unique visitors in a month, known/ anonymous/company visitors, inflow sources ( sources from where visitors are coming to your website), industry or other attributes of customers visiting your website, demographics and so on. measure these data give you insights on the visitors and performance of your marketing measures.
- Increase Visitor engagement:
Increase visitor engagement on website increase your chances of winning new customers. If you analyze the website visits of your past customers you may be surprised how many times they have visited your website. analysing customer behavior from anonymous lead to known lead and thereafter customer give you hints on successful customer journey on your website.
Having a Chatbot on your website that answer frequently asked questions by your potential customers can be a good option to increase visitor engagement on website. This is a lot more efficient than many enquiries are answered through email/phone call.
Analysis of average time visitors spent on your website, which pages they visit, pages from where visitors are leaving your website also will be important to find the bottlenecks and areas of improvement for website. google analytics is used widely to measure site performance. More important will be next action for improvement rather than just view the analysis report.
- Increase Web conversion:
For visitors with good engagement in your website, your next step is conversion through website such as download a material, apply for trial, participate a seminar etc.
Popups on website give more attention for important events or promotions on your website. However you need to make sure popups are not distracting visitors on website. Too many popups or too frequently showing should avoid.
Application form on website should be rather easy to apply without too much complexity or many fields to input. Only minimum required information should be in the form.
Set a conversion goal on your website will help to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. This goal can set on your conversion target such as form submit button.
UTM parameters use with your marketing campaigns help to analyze the conversions of marketing campaigns by channels. You can spend more on your best performing campaigns and channels.
- Lead nurturing:
For buying your products or services, nearest target will be leads generated through your website. These are customers who have interest on your business and considering using your service. 10% of these customers may buy your service immediately but remaining customers need to be persuaded further. Your approach and next actions to these potential buyers will be important. Regular follow ups and further engagement with these potential buyers will be important. Send additional information such as customer success stories or e-mail magazine with informative content may increase their interest. Good quality communication with these prospects increase your chances of winning more customers. Tools such as MA tools are effective for this. One of the major strengths of Markefan MA tool is it has in-built features for Web data analysis and marketing. If you would like to know more about Markefan MA tool please visit https://www.markefan.co.jp/ma/ .